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Canopy Forest

The forest is lovely, dark, and deep. Rendered in the most verdant greens and textured as if by a skilled painter’s brush, the canopy forest offers a shaded sanctuary to all who wander into it, whether it be tribute or beast. The trees are of many species and numbers, and if their latticed roots should suggest anything, it is that these are ancient lands you are traversing. Tread lightly, keep to the path.

Should you choose to stray, however, and wander off, you find elements of the forest to have once been lived in: tiny birdhouses between the boughs of each tree and dark yawning burrows staring at you from the rich earth. A sharp eye may even spot strange, glowing symbols engraved onto a few trees. But the longer you remain here, the more aware you become of tinkling laughter heard from a distance, and a gentle yet ominous rustling from the canopy overhead.

Where is the path again? Where are you? These trees are not the ones you encountered before. Where are you?
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