
No New Posts Cornucopia

A wide, circular platform sits just at the level of curling mist. Vines and moss coat the old wooden planks, softening the footfalls of tributes and muttations alike. The mist can be light enough to emit sunlight, and dense enough to form clouds. It lurks at the edges of the platform. Stacked in the middle of the platform is everything the tributes need to survive: weapons, medical supplies, bug spray. For the bravest among them, a few very precious items are hidden. ~

2 110 Stuck Out In That Same Old Storm Again [Abs/Bill]
by marguerite harvard d2a (zori)
Feb 27, 2020 9:17:11 GMT -5
No New Posts Canopy Village

If the view from the Cornucopia was breathtaking, the twisting, turning labyrinth of the Canopy Village is almost nauseating by comparison. Kept in relatively good shape for a series of residences that look all but abandoned, the series of bridges and platforms suggest a way of life that consisted of great risk and greater reward. For those unaccustomed to heights or swaying at the slightest breeze that happens to blow their way, this location may very well be more terrifying than the prospect of single combat itself. Be careful where you step - after all, it would be rather embarrassing to be the first tribute to die of a long fall due to their own clumsiness, wouldn’t it? ~

12 78 til death do us part || beck leisure
by gamemaker artemie 🦉nyte
Apr 17, 2020 22:52:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Hungry Jungle

Any tribute that steps foot in this jungle will find that something about it For one, there seems to be a startling lack of fauna aside from the devious or gargantuan. And for two, do plants usually sway like that even in the absence of a breeze? Or possess jaws so large that they could swallow you up in a single gulp? Tread carefully, tributes, because in this jungle, the flora eats you. ~

14 93 friends are meant to be forever [walter] day 8
by d1b portia maybach [frankel]
Apr 15, 2020 14:00:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Termite Towers

Who knew bugs could be so productive? Sure, your only exposure to the insects that haven’t been genetically modified thus far (well, at least not in size) have been persistently trying to suck your blood, so maybe you’re a little biased. But when you step into the home of the termites, the first thing that really sticks out to you is just how tall their houses are. Standing up to twenty five feet tall and a hundred feet around, your thoughts briefly drift to wondering just how many bugs it takes to form a mound of this size when the termites themselves are so damn tiny. And then you shove that thought from your mind, because you already have enough nightmare fuel to worry about as is. ~

13 121 chapter two: a new turn [walter] day 7
by d1b portia maybach [frankel]
Apr 9, 2020 13:38:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Aerial Root Bridge

Carefully tended, coaxed, and nurtured, the roots of trees on either side of the chasm were shaped into a long bridge. Each root is so carefully wound together, and so tightly clasped, that the bridge looks more like a trench through the air than a bridge. A couple occasional roots have broken from the group to spear out into nothing and were left that way. Far below, the sound of water reaches you, a torrid rushing that is as entrancing as it is terrifying - falling from here might just kill you before anything else could. You only hope this bridge really will hold. ~

9 59 Like Tears in Rain // 84th Finale
by gamemaker artemie 🦉nyte
Apr 20, 2020 12:43:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Pineapple Hectare

There are no trees here, no shade, nothing to stop the bugs. Instead, all around in perfectly straight rows are hundreds upon hundreds of pineapple plants. They stretch to about waist height, a spiny golden fruit sitting perched in the center of each. There is enough food to last you the entire Hunger Games, but at the cost of having nowhere to hide. It might be best to stock up and go, after all, you don’t know what’s crawling under the leaves. ~

11 107 it's over, isn't it? || beck hailsham leisure
by gamemaker artemie 🦉nyte
Apr 9, 2020 17:55:58 GMT -5
No New Posts Braided River - 1 Viewing

An aerial view of the braided river paints a beautiful tapestry of winding blue-green rivers, cutting through orange and grey mudbanks. A bird could easily follow the main artery from edge to edge of the arena. Unfortunately for the tributes, they cannot fly. Following one vein may prove treacherous, or bountiful. From the banks, it is difficult to tell how deep any particular part of the river is. Brave tributes may try to ford the braided river, but beware the beasties that call the water home. ~

15 110 like the moon in the arms of the sky. juliet.
by jj jenkins d7. ✨ zoë.
Sept 23, 2020 21:22:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Floodplain Forest

There are two seasons here, dry and wet. When it’s the dry season the mud sucks at your shoes but doesn’t quite pull them from your feet. In the wet season the water is up to your waist. Tall trees tower overhead, perched high on roots that extend out of the muck. They don’t care how much water comes in, and neither do the grasses and water lilies that flourish around them. All of them survive despite the ebb and flow of the water, or maybe because of. The call of creatures from the branches above counterpoints the splashing of those below. You may be able to see the ground while it’s the dry season, but you can’t see everything buried in the muck. There - did you see it? - that looked like a pair of eyes… ~

7 76 metanoia | willow's dp
by pup
Apr 22, 2020 14:38:12 GMT -5

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