
No New Posts Cornucopia

Where the Cornucopia usually stands is a silver tower ascending toward polluted clouds. The interconnected bars of steel allow for climbing, if tributes dare to test their fear of heights. Upon closer inspection, tributes will sense that there are waves radiating from this tower. It feels almost like static electricity, making the hairs on their arms stand upright. Antennas sprout from its top, as if sending some sort of signal. No need to fret: all of the supplies will sit beneath the tower. No need to climb, unless you’re feeling brave.

16 216 visiting hours are from 10 to 6 | lenox, day eight
by Azalea
Apr 16, 2021 17:36:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Overgrown Pass

A wreckage of concrete, the overpass was once a vast road carrying truckloads of mysterious nuclear substances. Now it is cracked and crumbling with plant life seeping through its fragments. One can walk along its empty roads or seek shelter beneath its bridge. Tributes will see vines wrapped around the pillars and colorful graffiti spray painted across the walls. Just be careful; it is a decrepit and unstable structure, who knows when it will start to break apart?

18 143 me, myself, and the blob [flynn] day seven
by d1b portia maybach [frankel]
Apr 9, 2021 13:56:01 GMT -5
No New Posts Sewage Lake

Tributes will smell it before they see it - the stench of human waste and toxic decay. The bubbling water adapts a sickening brownish color, gently tinged green from a mysterious sludge pouring from two large pipes. Tributes may swim if they dare, and risk contracting one of a hundred varying diseases. It is not acidic to the touch; it is slimy and warm, quite repulsive to the senses. One might assume nothing can survive in its waters, but the tributes will see the occasional shadowy figure flicker beneath the surface and wonder if it is a trick of their imagination...

11 80 so will you please say hello { castor day 7
by calla
Apr 9, 2021 0:09:35 GMT -5
No New Posts Oil Wells

Stretching across a plain of red, dusty dirt sits a field of Oil Wells. Most of the oil has now completely dried up, leaving the machines to stand as abandoned statues against the hazy horizon, but pools of oil are found sparingly in the cracked dirt. If you listen closely, one may hear the eerie sounds of machinery creaking, or it might just be the howling of muttations on the wind. One can’t help but wonder what lies beneath now that oil no longer fills the earth below.

7 46 victims, vixens, vicodins. | lenox, day seven
by Azalea
Apr 9, 2021 17:59:42 GMT -5
No New Posts Tire Fire

The smell is choking. The entire area is hung in heavy smoke. You can feel your lungs screaming that there is not enough clean air here, yet you carry on. The heat is oppressive and unending, even at night. Endless stacks of tires surround you, each one engulfed in flames. They will burn forever, or so it feels, a slow and greedy devouring of rubber that will suffocate the world with its toxic fumes. Best not to stay here too long.

16 118 Vigil | Belle Jaune | Day 7
by d4 Panda Scope [Gayton]
Apr 9, 2021 20:00:02 GMT -5
No New Posts Glass Recycling Plant

From a distance, they seem like beautiful mountains made of a million jewels. Upon closer inspection tributes will find hundreds of piles of recycled glass, shattered into billions of coin-sized pieces mixed with broken bottles, window panes and mirrors. Every step can be heard in the Glass Recycling Plant as tributes step on larger, jagged pieces of glass, crunching like bones underneath their weight. It’s easy to feel small whilst trekking through the faux mountains - and just as easy to slice open your skin should you lose your balance.

6 43 oath keeper | nan & flynn | day four
by k!ah
Mar 20, 2021 1:19:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Nuclear Waste Field

There is no other word for this place than eerie. The spikes that pierce into the sky seem both randomly placed, and yet full of intent. There is a sense of purpose to this display, but it is hard to pin down what that is. Between the spikes is gravel and stone with the occasional large slab of concrete. Nothing grows here, at least nothing you can see. Watch your step, there are spikes of all sizes. The last thing you would want to do is get impaled.

10 91 this is not a place of honor { 87th finale }
by d1b portia maybach [frankel]
Apr 23, 2021 15:04:22 GMT -5

87th Arena

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Apr 10, 2021 12:44:17 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Anthem - Day Seven
Python 0 668 by Python
Apr 3, 2021 12:43:32 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Anthem - Day Six
jj jenkins d7. ✨ zoë. 0 752 by jj jenkins d7. ✨ zoë.
Mar 27, 2021 13:17:41 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Anthem - Day Five
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Anthem - Day Four
Kire 0 987 by Kire
Mar 13, 2021 12:25:17 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Anthem - Day Three
jj jenkins d7. ✨ zoë. 0 895 by jj jenkins d7. ✨ zoë.
Mar 6, 2021 13:13:16 GMT -5
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