Winding River

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newBookmarkLockedFalling barbarian or troll? [cordelia day 1]
k!ah 0 692 by k!ah
Jun 26, 2022 21:02:17 GMT -5

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Winding River
Dividing the arena lazily in half, the winding river embodies both the chaotic elements of the western side and the tranquil beauty of the eastern landscapes. At times the current rushes by, forming white caps and licking at the shores with dangerous waves. Around another bend and the boulders slow the water to a gentle lapping. At points it is so calm a tribute might be tempted to swim in it. The water is crystal clear allowing for a view of pebbles and small fish. Several wooden bridges traverse the river, seeming to guarantee safe passage. But who built the bridges, you might wonder? For what matter, who built the river itself? But if you start thinking like that, you won’t trust anything at all, and the water does look so delightfully refreshing… ()
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