Red Beach

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newBookmarkLockedFalling it'll be the last time | ezra; day 1 again
goat 0 404 by goat
Jun 19, 2020 12:39:08 GMT -5

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Red Beach
From afar, the Red Beach might seem like a welcome sign of potable water. After all, this is the most obvious place for water to be in the arena. There’s the telltale glint of a mirror-like surface from afar, a mirage come true, but tributes who stumble across this location searching for a drink will be sorely disappointed. It’s unclear if this area borders the ocean or a lake; the water is incredibly salty, but it has the stillness of glass. Perhaps more importantly, any tribute wandering by might find the beach and water suspect. Is it blood that makes the area red, or something else? Either way, only the brave should linger. ~
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