save me from the dark {South}
Aug 20, 2012 7:45:52 GMT -5
Post by cass on Aug 20, 2012 7:45:52 GMT -5

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
Love, it was the most powerful emotion on the planet. It was wrapped into every fairy tale and story and was the difference between death and misery. Most fairy tales told you of how love created a kingdom, the wove a story about how amazing it was how it saved lives and created families and worlds that do not exist today. All these stories are based on a false sense of the true world, they are created by twisted dreams of reality and wishes and hopes that so many people of the world of Panem have wanted. I had always believed in such stories, they made up my life as a child and they became the basis of what I saw as the world and what I knew to be the difference between good and bad and the dead and the alive. Never once was love portrayed to me as the way I see it now. Everyone says they have been in love, everyone says they have loved someone and that that person never loved them back. But if that is love then why do our stories lie? Why do they present the reader with a world that makes you want to believe that love travels two ways and that the journey of the soul should be made with two and not one.
They are unreal perspectives of the world that we live in; they over-exaggerate the truths and send the lies into the darkest corners of a world that is already drowning in them, hoping to cover them up with fluff and more beautiful lies that they call the truth. I lost my belieflife and everything in me
I was once in love. I was in love with the prettiest girl that ever walked on Earth; she had had long raven black hair as dark as the very eyes of death
Walking outside was normal. I did it every day, I liked it a lot. It was fun and enjoyable, breathing in the fresh air, staring at the fake world that surrounds me and wishing that I could be anywhere else, but there. It was a good time to think about all of this, everything I wanted and everything I wished of the world that I lived in. I really didn’t like this place, but then not many people did, I don’t understand how you can live in a world that was filled with lies, so fill the edges over flowed and filled up every nook and cranny, leaving no one and nothing unscathed against its fury. It wanted everyone to be built on lies. My feet, like an ordinary feet move forwards, dragging my tall and lanky body with it. I stare numbly at the world that I hated. It was a crazy stupid place, but I loved it. It kept me living, thinking and feeling. It provided me with pain and misery. The more pain you suffer, the more it is worth. Today was beautiful, the sky was filled with puffy white clouds that appeared to float just out of arms reach, teasing you, and the wind screamed your name, begging you to just reach upwards to make a fool of yourself, to see if you could grasp the clouds within your hands. I did not like it.
Stepping smoothly under the shelter of an old maple tree I eye the sky evilly. I look out over the land in which I had been raised. I believed in love, but then my heart was torn in two by a girl that said she loved me, she told me she would be there for me. She said I was the one and that she only loved him because she had to. She had to for the family, for them all. Didn’t she see she was tearing me about, she was ruining my life and how I felt was being twisted and warped and it was killing me. So I had given up. I had just given up, sunk below the surface of a thousand tears that I had not been spared of. I did not need her indecision when I was ready; I had known what I had wanted. She could have January, maybe they would be happy.
But then there was no such thing as a happy ending.
ooc -- OMR MY 1000th POST <333[/blockquote][/justify][/size]
One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more