Nerissa Billiard District 4 {FIN}
Jun 27, 2015 19:22:44 GMT -5
Post by Arrows on Jun 27, 2015 19:22:44 GMT -5
Nerissa Billiard

"Come on you don't have to go yet do you." The foolish teen swooned. I let out a simple laugh. "Depends if I find you worthy of my time." I whisper against his ear as my lips touch his. In seconds his eyes are closed and his hands are relaxed. Breaking away from his lips I snickered "As much as a big strong career you are you should know beauty is deceiving." As a question just barely pursed his lips I plunged the needle into his neck just as I had done plenty of times before. Never too much to kill, but plenty of time to take what I want and leave. It only ever takes me a few minutes to find where they keep their money. From their I take only a decent amount, never enough to destroy their lives but enough for me to get what I want. What a wonderful life to live.
A simple wink, a flirtatious smile, anything really can make the hormone driven boys of district four come running. Thankfully I have been a master of this art for a while. All the boys want is a good time truthfully. You promise them that, take them away and then they are your's to control. Honestly its pretty simple to drug a half passed out happy boy, they literally expect nothing.
Thankfully my parents being doctors for the career district in which I live allows me plenty of medication and anything else my girlfriend and I need. However I am not all looks. Just as my actions prove I am quite smart, I mean I am the daughter of doctors after all. Therefore I ensure I never take more "medicine" than we really need. This allows us to roll right underneath my parents' noses.
Now sure I don't have to steal considering my family is rather well off but they are all such sticklers. Rules this and rules that. Don't do that and only do this. It's all overly annoying, especially since they just think they can rule my life. No one rules me except me. They practically forced me into meeting my gorgeous girlfriend and into the life of thievery. As for what I use my "earnings" for well its simple really. I want whatever I can't have so illegal drugs just make pull me in like a moth to light. Plus I do really love the buzz.
Ever since I was young I have been very confident in everything about myself. Some people even dare to venture and say that I am cocky, how wrong they are. I simply know that I am better than practically everyone. I am richer than the average person and far better looking. Not to mention I do believe and I am one hell of an eye please which makes my thieving life even easier.
In case you some how haven't been able to notice yet I am a rather rebellious girl. Now don't get me wrong I am not in anyway looking to overthrow Panem, hell no. Panem gave me my life on top so as far as I am concerned they rock in the Capitol. However I do not take any orders from anyone other than peace keepers. Even then I find myself breaking laws here and there, well more like every where. Some one can't be a drug thief without breaking laws sadly.
Another notable thing about my lovely personality would have to be that I am quite the flirt. What can I say I love to see how quickly I can get anyone to fall for me. I have discovered many simply tricks to make people swoon in no time at all. However I am surprisingly not on the market. Ever since I first got into the drug business I have been dating my amazingly hot girlfriend. She is one of those badass La Torre girls. Skittle is her name, and only I get to taste her rainbow so stay the hell away from her.
How I got so lucky to be with a girl such as Skittle has to be my breathtaking looks that help us with our plans. I am the pretty one and she is the brains and muscle. My golden long locks of hair and my sea blue eyes probably helped me lure her into my trap. Not to mention my rather well fit body and slightly larger chest. However I only pray she never leaves me due to my nose, ugh it is the one thing I truly hate. It is oddly small and weirdly crooked, a total turn off I am lucky my other features seem to hide.
Also I am sure the attire I dress myself in helps keep Skittle interested. Usually I can be found strutting around the district in various sun dresses. Yet I do wear swim suits just as much when I go for a stroll on the beach. However the only time I truly dress up is on reaping day. I have to look hot in case I am ever reaped, sponsors like sexy tributes through and through. Therefore a gorgeous red gown in what I wear to match my hot red lipstick. Basically if someone had to know one thing about me it would be this simply sentence: Beauty is deceiving.
17 years old
District Four
ooc: permission for Skittle was given to Cameo by Lalia and this is just her sexy little girl friend.