Happy Birthday to the Best Snek!
Mar 21, 2018 15:39:22 GMT -5
Post by gamemaker sloane ♕ kaяi ♕ on Mar 21, 2018 15:39:22 GMT -5

Experience tranquility you birthday hoe! I can't believe you're a whole year older and still a good ten years wiser than I am! I'm not sure what I would do without our nalls and all the memes you send. Personally, I would be completely depressed if I didn't receive all the pictures of Tipsy that you send but that's just me. You always know what to say when I'm not sure what to do and less to me bitch about things a lot more than you should have to. Idk what other zenyatta main I would want to spend my time with or roast the people who try to come after you when we play overwatch. I'm grateful I can pester you to play and you'll say yes like 90% of the time. Thanks for always making me die with laughter and for putting up with my blondness because it takes a lot let me tell you. I hope that your day is as absolutely amazing and wonderful as you are!
And now a few words from our sponsors!!
What is your favorite thing about Python?
Her steadiness - kay
Her venom. It is actually believed to cure night blindness and most STD’s! - dars
her wit - alex
her zenyatta fetish - nyte
her heart - ele
the way she ults as zen to keep me alive from the gengus and soldiers c': - it me lence
snake memes - mat
Who is that? Kari you told me this was a form all about me, uh? You late fucking bitch. Python, honey, I am so sorry. I'm so sorry an ugly bitch like Kari would compare you to me. (In all seriousness, I love how logical and calm under pressure she is. She's great to go to when you need tough love, no nonsense.) - tris
On a scale of 1-10 how much of a snek is Python?
ssssssssssssssss - kay
8, or as I like to call it, a snake eating itself - dars
the snekiest - alex
Idk 11? - kou
solid 4 - nyte
snake - ele
69 - it me lence
9.5 - mat
ssssssssixthhhhyyy sssssssixthhhh - zoe
Enough that her intestines are squirming inside of her stomach. - tris
Add a cute cat gif here!- kay
No. - dars- alex
I dont have any gifs of Tips! Tag urself:- kou
- nyte (jess originally sent me an mp4 file so i had to track this down smh)
- ele
no cute cat gif i find will ever match the almighty tipsy - it me lence- mat
Im pn mobile sis - zoe
I have no GIFs of Tipsy, and I am loyal to that cat and that cat alone. - tris
Now give her a nice overwatch meme or gif (preferably zenyatta)- kay
Again, no. - dars (what i learned through this form is darren is no fun)- alex
I mean I guess- kou
i don't promote fetishes - nyte
this is road pig right- ele
- it me lence
No - mat
your wish has been granted
KARI ONLINE; could you imagine? I can't. - tris ( i hate tris fyi)
And finally write her a lovely birthday message telling her how wonderful she is!
Happy birthday!!! Hope today isn't too busy and that you get a chance to rest. And if today is bananas, then you get to celebrate properly over the weekend. <3 - kay
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY! You and I go way back, and it’s really cool to see that, after all this time, I’m still able to look at you and know you’re my friend. You are one of the funniest, most intelligent bitches I know, and one day when you are rich I am going to marry you for material, surface-level reasons. Love u!!! - dars
happy happy birthday to the draco to my hermione! have an absolutely amazing day <33 - alex
I love your memes
They provide insight into your soul
Our friendship is more than it seems
Happy Brithday, don't let it be a drawl - kou
she's deadass my best friend for years i'd love to be mushy but i'm really bad at it so instead i'll write her a mason post
ha gay - nyte
I don't want to get too mushy but I'm so grateful I have you in my life. I know no matter what
I can't lose you and it means a lot. I'll see you soon, that's a promise.-ele
hap birth clood! ily more than a zen loves sniping a widow, or even more than violet loves being a wallflower in our alliance. have a good one my dude -it me lence
happy happy birthday gorl! thank u sm for being a funny, enthusiastic, down to earth and awesome frend who’s reactions make my day and is always down to nall with the fam. ilysm and hope you have a fantatsic day!!! aries season HYPE - zoe
You are one of my oldest friends and you're so beautiful and so talented and equally badass and strong, and you make me so proud to share the Aries zodiac with you. Only halfway, though! I'm glad I don't breathe fire and break my kneecaps like you, but you rage with such grace and sensibility. You're honestly so mature. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for you! There's nothing that you can't achieve. Happy birthday! - tris